Monday, September 8, 2008

4 points

Go ahead, call me Mr. Trendy. I too have joined the ranks. Mostly because I know so many people out there are dying to catch a whiff of my wisdom. Take a deep breath. Smells pretty good, right? And I haven't even written anything yet. I just figured my aura will pass through the internet, and therefore make the world a better place by creating easier access for all to gain from my being. I know, I'm too kind.

I also thought it may be possible that I might become a little annoying when I rant on and on about who in politics I am currently pissed off at to the same people that I should give their ears a break. However, it is not good to store up your anger (or highly intelligent, well reasoned arguments), and so a blog was born.

My timing for starting this blog is a little behind the ball. We are now in the final push toward the election, having gone through all the nervous excitement that is the conventions (insert rim shot). But it is in my blood to be late for things, so why should my blog be any different. (What, you think you're better than me Blog? You're nothing without me, punk!)

Four years ago, the country had the opportunity to witness the national embarrassment that was the Democratic Party, in all of its pathetic grandeur, show how sad they truly were. For three years after 9/11, the Democrats had completely ceded their beliefs and values to a man who had shown the world that just because you don't win, doesn't mean you have to lose. Members of the Democratic party went along with any decision made by the "decider", deathly afraid of appearing unpatriotic for not blindly following a man who drove every company he was given by his family into the ground. (Just a quick thought: it's said that a man comfortable in his sexuality doesn't worry about how he appears to others. I wonder if there is a saying about patriotism that follows that same line of reasoning.)

It chose it's candidate not because of their ability to inspire, nor by their great understanding of the issues of the day, but by choosing the one who was believed to be the most "electable". Therefore, they put forth John Kerry for nomination, who barely beat out Al Sharpton (he was oh so close). Kerry brought excitement to the Democratic party, in the same way that C-Span brings excitement to cable. Thus, the "electable" Mr. Kerry became the unelected presidential nominee. Once again, the democrats showed that when push comes to shove, they will cry and run home to mommy that Mr. Rove was mean to them.

Now, it's 2008. The country is barely surviving the horror that is the Bush Administration. And, luckily for the Democrats, the people of the country are finally coming to realize how poor of a Commander in Chief the country put into office eight years ago. The Democrats came into this election feeling rejuvenated. The fear of being labeled unpatriotic for disagreeing with the president is no longer a barrier for them. They were ready to take control.

To cap things off for the Democrats, the Republicans picked as their nominee someone they don't even like. McCain walked into a nomination by defeating a Mormon (come on, you didn't really think the Republicans would nominate a Mormon), and an Evangelical bassist who wanted to govern from within the rectory of his church. Republicans were left with McCain as their only choice.

With having the duel task of trying to prove to the die-hard right wingers that he was one of them and at the same time distance himself from a man whose policies he has followed in lock-step, the Democrats seemed poised to get a blow-out. Sure, there were some rough times in the primary, and maybe some wounds are slow to heal, but surely even a novice with the ability to inspire would be enough against a 72 year old man with no base behind him.

Then...came Sarah. There wasn't a columnist or political insider who wasn't surprised by the pick. A first term governor who has been on the job for a total of 20 months, a person whose only other government experience was being mayor of a town of 9,000 after serving on the town's council, a self described "hockey mom" who, we were told, had fought against the Republican incumbents within her state to end ethical violations. This was McCain's pick.

At first, everything about the pick looked like a political ploy. The announcement came on the heals of the Democratic convention, effectively shutting down any momentum coming out of the convention. By picking a woman, McCain could claim that his election would be as historic as an Obama election. And by making such a unexpected pick, the news cycle would be his while the press examined this unknown.

Oh, and she is also kinda hot.

But surely once the dust settled and everyone got to know who Sarah Palin is and what she stands for, the Democrats would be right back...on...wait a minute.

HOW THE HELL ARE YOU DOWN 4 POINTS?!!! You can't beat a man who admittedly has virtually no economic background at time when people are begging for financial help from the government, and running mate who, within the short amount she has been governor, already has ethics violation against her.

This is going to be a stressful 2 months. For me, and everyone around me.


Kami said...

Point of fact: didn't the Supreme Court actually put him into office?

Huhnybee said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! Glad to have you among the ranks.

katherine mary said...

ew. you think sarah palin is kinda hot. really?

no, that isn't all i took from this blog but i had to say ew.

second, let's wait for the debates to begin. and also remind me who delegates these "points."

in the blogging world I am currently down 7 points.

or so they tell me...

in the fantasy football world YOU are currently trailing ME by 26 points... which by the time you read this post will probably be reversed, because as we all know there is nothing in life that I am worse at than sports, even when you play them on the computer! :)